COLLege of law
0480 2890430 | +91 7306207243 | +91 9447969000
0480 2890430 | +91 7306207243 | +91 9447969000
As we all know prime prospect of studying law is to become Judicial Officers. Judicial officers can be any one of the following Judges, Magistrates, Puisne Judicial Officers such as Justices of the peace or Officers of courts of limited jurisdiction ¬aries public & commissioners of oaths.
Law as an optional subject in UPSC Civil Service mail exams is gaining acceptance these days.. The 65th annual report of UPSC states that “Amongst the subject opted by 100 or more candidates, the highest percentage of successful candidates opted for Law (24.3%)”. So studying Law can fulfill dreams of your IAS Dreams.
Indian army provides job opportunities for law graduates married/unmarried men & unmarried women every year through Judge Advocate General [JAG] for short service commission which can be made permanent commission on the will of the person after commission of 10 years. JAG officers in the Indian Army provide legal help to the military in all aspects (day to day matters), in particular advising the presiding officers of courts-martial on military law.
This is another area where law students are interested in. A Legal Advisor typically specializes in a specific area of law. They could be involved in Labour or Contract disputes, Compensation issues, Harassment suits or other workplace conflicts. They also provide general legal advice about corporate decisions regarding corporate growth, mergers or other practices. Most of the corporate companies are looking for talented Legal Consultants or In House Lawyers.
Now a day’s countries are allowing Foreign Legal consultants. A Foreign Legal Consultant is lawyer from foreign country licensed to practice law in another country. South Korea & USA state California are allowing Foreign Legal Consultants.
Those who are interested can join Teaching profession in Law colleges & other institutions.
Law graduates have huge opening in different ministries. Ministry of Law & Justice itself recruit hundreds of people every year for various posts. Most of the ministries used to recruit legal consultants to take care of legal & other compliance aspects of its work.
There is huge demand for the services of legal professionals as every major financial transaction requires the supervision of a senior law officer or a Legal Analyst. Finance lawyers to take care that their bank abides by all the statutory norms of the government & the detailed guidelines of RBI & there is no illegal activity going on. This makes it clear how vast opportunities are in the Banking Sector.
Law graduates are widely appointed as, Company secretary or Legal executives. The people who opted for LLB with MBA have even more opportunities & lakhs of initial salary in corporate companies.
Most of the students opting for law is to fulfill their dream to become a professional lawyer. Over the years we have produced thousands of successful professional lawyers.
Most of the Industries & Ccorporate firms widely recruit law graduates for various posts. Since most of these institutions have to deal with many regulatory compliances & legal areas.